First, I wish to thank God who has given us the grace to be alive and for bringing us thus far. Glory and honour be to His name.
A couple of months ago, with popular demand by the people of Owan Federal Constituency, I threw my hat into the ring to contest election to represent our Constituency in the House of Representatives, on the platform of the peoples Democratic Party.
You were quite aware of the flawless process that threw me up as the candidate of the PDP and the eventual Supreme Court judgment that stalled our hope.
Accepting the call to represent our people was a decision I will never regret, knowing it was another opportunity to satisfy my yearnings to further uplift our youths and bring more development to our community.
I will be ungrateful if I forget to appreciate the massive support extended to me by the people of Owan, the solidarity from my party, friends, family members, associates and well wishers.
It is overwhelming knowing that I am loved this much that, even till now, I receive calls and messages of encouragement from our people- youths, women and the elderly. I appreciate all.
Throughout the period of the campaign, I tried to present myself with a humble demeanour in order to avoid offending People. However, if there is anyone who felt offended of me or my supporters in any way, I humbly render apology for all. I bear no grudge to anyone whatsoever.
OkNow that the elections are over, let’s support those who emerged at various levels and help them deliver on their campaign promises to our people.
For me, outside politics, I will continue to render the little I can within my capacity, for the progress of our community.
Thank you all.
Long Live Owan Federal Constituency
Long Live Edo State